الأحد، 17 فبراير 2013


I went and my friends to the mall and we shopped and after we finished shopping we walk in the center we saw a sign saying that he would be there Showing huge and stunning. Went to attend the presentation and the most important thing we have seen him in the supply man sitting on the crocodile and holding his mouth, as we have seen many animalspredatory was displayed at the top of Extravaganza and then we came back after that to home
 Thursday, 20th 

I went with my family to the desert and the weather was very nice that day I played with my brothers tanks It's a fun game I love it, I drank tea with my family and ate some cake and while we're well as told us my mother for activities that do are small.was a trip an enjoyable and beautiful
 Saturday,10th February 

My school has honored students gifted and I was are among those students and I was very happy and at the same time scared I do not know why but it is important that I overtook it was a special day for me